
Friday, December 23, 2016

A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

As life changes one must always remember that life has purpose.  Ove thought his life was over and he had no reason to continue. Enter so many characters who need him! First the cat, then the new neighbors, then folks from the neighborhood. Each new person brings consternation and rebirth to Ove.

Ove wants to die. However, Ove is a meticulous person so everything has to be done just right.  He has routines. He is the self-proclaimed neighborhood watch for the community.  Not a man of many words, he still offers assistance to anyone who needs it, all the while continuing his curmudgeonly ways. He goes to his wife’s grave to visit and talks with her about all the things going on and how awful things are. She “tells” him how to continue living.

Ove is a man who has always done the right thing and helping others is the right thing. I love how he offers to teach Parvaneh to drive, help Patrick fix things, works with Jimmy to get him some exercise, helps Anita and Rune stay together in the house and restores the relationship between Mirsad and his father.  And the cat!  He hates the cat but feeds it because Sonya would want him to do so. He and the cat become inseparable. 

Each new person and each new day brings more and more reasons why Ove needs to live.  Just like for most of us, we need to know that we matter. We need to have someone who needs us. He becomes Granddad to Patrick and Parvaneh’s children.  Children often bring out the best in someone and this is true here. 

I love the community that exists here.  Everyone relies on each other and looks out for each other.  In the end, folks were still doing things their way despite his instructions to the contrary. The fact that so many pay their respects to the old, “bitter” man is a testament to the life he lived and the value he had. A true feel good story!

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