
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Marrying the Mistress by Joanna Trollope

From its title one expects a very different book than the one we get.  I would have expected a book about the evils of having an extramarital affair. If that was the intent she failed!  However, I truly believed she expected the reader to look at how all people in a relationship are impacted by decisions made each and every day.  Therefore, I will give my take on the key players in this book.  I look forward to discussing the same characters at our meeting.

Guy—like many people I expect he did love his wife.  He had married her.  He wanted her to be happy and to create a life for herself.  He worked hard and long to ensure she wanted for nothing.  I do not believe he set out to have an affair, let alone leave his wife for another woman. As a father, he worked and paid for things. 

Laura—the wronged woman was not her best reflection. She never seemed happy from the very beginning. It was like she was doing what was expected:  marriage, children, making a good home. Nowhere in that does one find that she loves her husband.  Her friend evens calls her on this by saying she thought she was happy Guy was leaving her.  Laura seems more concerned about manipulating her son and maintaining her social status than her marriage.

Simon—truly Laura’s favorite.  She could pull his strings to the point of almost ruining his marriage.  Like many first born children he feels a responsibility to his mother. Seems he and Guy were not that close even though they share a profession.  He too was busy earning a wage to provide for a family without realizing the family needed him more than the money.

Carrie—strong willed and not afraid to take on the Mother-in law!  Truly loves Simon but is willing to give Guy and Merrion the benefit of a doubt. 

Alan—surprised that he is presented as gay.  Could this be the reason his mother prefers Simon to him?  He is one of my favorite characters—loves life, accepting and honest.

Jack, Emma and Rachel—amazing how each plays a role in the eventual outcome of the book.  Jack needs someone to talk to so goes to Grando since he feels his parents are too caught up in everything to listen. Rachel and Emma are honest with their father about their mother’s reaction.  The three combine to give the parents a  reality check and jolt Simon into telling his mother that he would no longer be a puppet on her string.

Gwen—wants the best for her daughter to the point of being willing to alienate her.  Sees her making similar mistakes she made earlier in her own life. 

Merrion—interesting character.  Says she wants to marry Guy but I believe she liked the affair more than the idea of marriage.  She did not like sharing him with his family and when she began to interact with them found this more difficult.  I think she was saddened by the outcome but a bit relieved too.


I liked the ending of the book. Simon and Carrie found what mattered in their marriage—something Guy and Laura never did. Laura may get her act together and become her own person.  Guy does an honorable thing and renews his relationship with his family without going back into a loveless marriage.

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